Morale University is a complete and holistic wraparound service that covers every element of the reentry process. It covers but isn’t limited to the following 15 Point Plan to a successful Reentry:
1. Pre-Entry
a) Referrals from community
b) Referrals from institution
c) Referrals from outreach from hopeful participant
2. Process-Entry
a) Correspondence
b) Pre-qualification
c) Establishing a supportive network prior to release.
3. Peer Support/ Peer Mediation/ Peer-Mentoring
a) Personalized Peer Mentor appointment by Certified Peer Specialist
b) Repair the harm sessions
c) Case Management.
4. SMART Goal Setting 6 months prior to release
a) Develop an Itemized plan in 30-day intervals
b) Finding execution points in the plan
c) Developing a process for continuous execution after dissolving of direct support.
5. Follow up with Peer Specialist/ Life Coach upon Release
a) Setup appointment with Peer Specialist
b) Do an assessment to find out rehabilitative goals and desired outcomes
c) Identify treatment needs and goals both qualitative and quantitative
6. Supportive Employment
a) BBMI will develop relationships with employers
b) BBMI will track progress on the worksite after job placement both with the individual and the employer
c) BBMI will look for incentives for employers to hire D.I.P. (Supportive Employment is a proven evidence-based practice, BBMI has a proven track record in implementing this process
7. Supportive Housing Initiative
a) BBMI will develop relationships with Landlords on behalf of D.I.P.
b) BBMI will create Incentives for landlords to rent to D.I.P. under its project
c) BBMI will track progress of D.I.P participants in our program
8. SMART goal Budgeting
a) Developing a budget around one month living expenses
b) Developing a sustainable budget for the first 6 months of independent living
c) Developing a solid budget for the first year of independent living
9. Financial Literacy
a) Learning about credit
b) Developing a credit history
c) Learning how to repair and build credit
d) Learning how to use personal credit and business credit.
10. Transportation
a) Helping the D.I.P. obtain a driver’s license
b) Helping D.I.P. obtain insurance
c) Ensuring D.I.P. has healthy driving practices in their assessment and evaluation process
d) Facilitating purchasing D.I.P. first legitimate vehicle.
11. Circles of Support Group
a) Community based support, bridging the gap between the D.I.P, community volunteers and leaders
b) Finding their voices to tell their stories and share their experiences in a safe place that ensures confidentiality, no judgment, respect
c)Breaking Bread with the community. (These points are born out of isolated proven processes that have shown considerable success. BBMI holds an approximately a 98% success rating with making Circles and evidence-based practice. We have measured this success by the following metrics post-release of D.I.P. Recidivism, Sustainability and Leadership Development). All of which BBMI have implemented and have proven successful outcomes.
12. Support and Leadership Support Group (De-institutionalization focus and target)
a) Learning principles of Accountability
b) Establishing solid relationships among peers with the same or similar lived experiences
c) Learning effective storytelling
d) Identifying barriers from emptying out institutionalization. (These points are born out of isolated proven processes that have shown considerable success. BBMI holds an approximately a 98% success rating with making Circles and evidence based practice. We have measured this success by the following metrics post-release of D.I.P. Recidivism, Sustainability and Leadership Development).
13. Family Planning and Supportive Network Building
a) Repair the harm circles with family and friends
b) Reconnecting with lost family members or severances from children
c) Help develop healthy ways to communicate effectively with family, friends, community and peers.
14. Skill/ Trade Building
a) Identify skills sets and self-interest in trade work
b) Identify resources to pursue skill or trade to refine the latter
c) BBMI will help identify trade programs matching the skill level, strength or interest.
15. Leadership Development
a) Learning elevator speeches
b) Community organizing training
c) Peer Specialists training
d) Help with strategic planning and small business startup