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BBMI Presents:
Breaking Chains Support Palaces

Help us “Rehab the first ever “ Support Palace”. This will be a complete holistic wraparound reentry service for women returning home from incarceration. On day one, these women will receive makeovers to realign themselves with societal standards, helping build both confidence and self-esteem. They will meet their life coaches who will be peers that have already made a successful transition back into the community. The in-reach process will begin 30 days before they return home, thereby establishing roots or footing within the community before they arrive. BBMI is committed to ensuring a successful and soft transition back into our Beloved Community for these women. We are aiming to change lives effectively. We will equip these women with every tool necessary to enhance a greater likeliness of success for their transition. 


We are excited about this project because we know what “must” be done to receive the outcomes we are looking to obtain. As this project was vetted through over 100 directly impacted women inside and out of prison. Stay tuned as we rally the resources to make this a reality, more importantly a success that will transform lives, reshape narratives and and build new emerging leaders within the fabric of our community.


Help us meet our goal, every donation counts, the heart of the donor is blessed and so will this project be with the pure in heart. Help us change lives. Donors will be able to track these women’s journey on our website. Don’t miss this great opportunity to make a major difference in the lives of many. 


Ms. Amina Morris El.


The Support Process is said to begin the day a D.I.P. enters and is processed through the system. While we understand the need for support services, we expecially understand that there is a need for “Moral Support”, prior to entering into the system, during and after. Pre-entry is often overlooked as a sustainable approach to a successful reentry. Building relationships within the community prior to release ensures a softer transition and likelihood of success.


Morale University houses all of these resources and more. The founder of Morale University is Ms. Amina Morris El, an indirectly impacted woman of color partnered with +Minister Caliph to heavily focus on disrupting the five aspects of recidivism:

1. Criminogenic Thinking Patterns
2. Denial of Access to resources and power
3. Poverty
4. Marginalization and Displacement
5. Lack of Support

BBMI thru Morale University is beginning a pilot run called: “Breaking Chains Support Palaces”. Breaking Chains Support Palaces will begin its focus on women transitioning back into our Beloved Community. This will be an around the clock project house that will house specific services for the women housed within the Palace. The palace is geared towards 10 basic aspects of Reentry:

1. Building self-esteem through ongoing Support
2. Learning Self-awareness
3. Learning independent living skills
4. Challenging negative self-talk
5. Life and Career Coaching
6. Routine Building and Restructuring life cycles
7. Business Ownership
8. Home Ownership
9. Budgeting
10. SMART Goal Living

The D.I.P. women will be housed in the palace for approximately 90 days, in a maximum capacity of 12 woman per cohort. Each 90 day cycle will be broken into three distinctive 30 day cycles:

1. 1st 30 days-Assessment and Evaluation
2. 2nd 30 days-Creating a 1 year plan
3. Final 30 days-Working the 1 year plan with additional 9 months of life coaching or peer support

Extensions beyond the 90 day transition will be considered only with cause. 90 days of preparation and ongoing support is plenty of time to determine a successful reentry if the D.I.P. is committed to their own process. The Alumni’s of the Palace will become Peer Mentors to the previous cohorts of women coming into the palace. The Circle of Love and Support will continue building bridges with both the transitioning D.I.P. and the Community at large. Creating a diverse supportive network enhances the likelihood of a successful reentry and more important, life moving forward.


How we measure success is in 3 distinctive phases:

1. Monthly Assessments and Evaluations

2. Weekly Check ins on tasks and homework

3. Level of participation and advancement in the process.


9 Principles of the Palace

1. Self-respect

2. Respect of others

3. Integrity

4. Consistency

5. Commitment

6. Servitude

7. Empathy

8. Motivation

9. Execution


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