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BBMI is a Business Incubator for D.I.P

Breaking Barriers Mentoring Inc, A Nonprofit Business Incubator for D.I.P. (Directly Impacted People)…….


Our Executive Director, +Minister Caliph Muab’El, was the first Directly Impacted Person in the State of Wisconsin to do 15 years in prison, return home and establish his own 501(c)(3) organization within two years after his release, and more remarkably, while on supervision under D.C.C.


Understanding the barriers and obstacles that he was faced with, he decided to open the doors of his nonprofit to other Directly Impacted People looking to start their own nonprofits and give back to their communities.


As of date BBMI have served as the fiscal sponsor to many startup businesses that are Commuinty based and led by D.I.P. BBMI commits to helping train, find startup funding, educate, empower, assist, provide peer mentors, strategic planning, free legal consultation and helping construct valuable programs conducive to the following initiatives:


1. Violence Prevention 

2. Mass-incarceration 

3. Reentry 

4. Education 

5. School-to-prison pipeline 

6. Adjudicated Youth 

7. Community Organizing

8. Courtroom Advocacy 

9. Peer Support, Peer Mediation and Peer Mentorship 

10. Circles of Support 

11. Support and Leadership Circles

12. Fatherhood Rejuvenation

13. Motherhood Rejuvenation 

14. Family Cultivation 


Currently, BBMI has approximately 7 Projects Incubating as Sister Businesses under its Mother umbrella. And in the past have incubated more than dozens of projects/ businesses over the years that BBMI have been in existence.



+Minister Caliph Muab’El, is committed to removing the barriers to success in reentry, community development and sustainability for the D.I.P. He will stop at nothing to ensure the success of his peers and the youth.



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BBMI have partnered with many with community based organizations matching our Vision or Mission. We believe strongly in the Spirit of Solidarity and Collaboration. We believe that working for the same goal and impact should not consist of silos. It’s not about who gets the credit it about the impact that we could have through collaboration and stronger alliances. We support all efforts within our sour scope and self interest.cope and self interest.


BBMI are proud Partners of EXPO, All of Us or None National and it’s 46 Chapters and cohorts. FICPFM, Turner Hall, Just Leadership USA, NAEFI, The Heartland Alliance, The United Coalition for Humanity, The HipHop Alliance and ABC National Policy Coalition.


Check out All of Us or None:

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Become Part of a Project

If you would like to become part of one of these projects, or contact us about a child who you would like to involve, please send us an email. We ask that you include the following information in the message:


1) The project you would like to be a part of

2) your name

3) your child's name

4) your child's age and gender

5) any relevant details about you or your child's circumstances

Thanks for submitting!

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